Thursday, February 1, 2007

Introducing the brand new Computer Generated Natural Phenomena Lab at BYU

My new lab is the "Computer Generated Natural Phenomena" Lab. I am working with a grad student (co-adivising with Parris Egbert) and two undergrads. We even made a lab webpage to increase our visibility.

Natural Phenomena isn't a hugely hot research area in graphics right now. There's usually a paper in two in SIGGRAPH and there's a Natural Phenomena workshop held with Eurographics each year. I believe that while CGNP is hugely important in visual storytelling, the fundamental algorithms and assumptions haven't changed much in 10 years. Computing technology has come along way since 1996 and it's time to rethink and re-invent CGNP technology. I intend to position my students at the forefront of a second wave of CGNP research.

Contact me if you'd like know more about our work including how you might participate.

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