Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Natural Phenomena Workshop 2007

The 2007 Eurographics Workshop on Natural Phenomena will be held on September 4 2007 in Prague as part of Eurographics 2007. I was walking around SIGGRAPH last summer thinking to myself "there should really be a workshop on natural phenomena, I think I'll put one together" Then I walked by the Eurographics booth and saw the proceedings from the 2005 workshop for sale by their booth. I immediately bought the proceedings and thought to myself "that was a lot easier than organizing a workshop"

Details: EGWNP 2007

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The proceedings from the EG Natural Phenomena Workshops are also distributed by A K Peters and are available for sale on their website, and at major booksellers such as The proceedings from 2005 and 2006 are available now, along with many other Eurographics proceedings (search for Eurographics). The 2007 Natural Phenomena Workshop Proceedings will be available in Mid-Late September. You can pre-order your copy starting next week!